
Not Feelin' It


According to Page Six, Ashanti isn't feeling her body right now:

"ASHANTI is having a rough summer. The songbird gained so much
weight, she refused to be photographed during the weekend opening of the Ivy Hotel in San Diego."

Maybe it's just me but she looks the same as she has for the past year or so. But y'all know the deal. Let the preggers rumors begin in 4.....3....2....

And I wasn't even going to post this but the more I read it....

Travis Henry

Henry, 28, has fathered 9 chidren by 9 women in at least 4 Southern states and has been ordered by various judges to provide child support for seven of them, according to court records involving one child living in DeKalb County.

Apparently Travis Henry of the Denver Broncos owes some serious back child support payment and claims he can't pay it because of "financial issues"...despite his $25 mill contract and million dollar bonus last year. Some of these chicks took his ass to court saying he's buying benzes and spending 100 gs on jewelry so he needs to support his kids. The court has ordered him to set up a $250k trust fund and pay $3k a month in child support. Get it together.

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